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Serviced top equipment, the best customer service and experienced quides!
You can easily book in our online store
or by calling / sms / whattsup +358405404513 or kitetirri@gmail.com
You are welcome to visit our shop and make reservations on the shop, please contact us in advance to make sure for opening times. We are sometimes by our customer visits.
Kitetirri Outdoors- Hämeenlinnantie 59 15800 Lahti
Just a step away from Salpauselkä Unesco Global Geopark destinations!

E-fatbike rental

The Fatbike with 4,8´´ wide tire is comfortable to drive all year round on the terrain, the tires hold and are flexible.


Sähköfatbiket Tapanilan Hiihtomajalle

Nyt porukalla ihastumaan Salpausselkään! Ryhmille helmikuun ti-pe saatavilla klo 9.30-11.30 ja 14.30-16.30 lähdöt


E-mtb with full suspension rental Lahti

Cube´s with full suspension and 2,6" wide tires are suitable especially for trails and touring.They are equiped with a big 625w battery you can reach up to 120km without loading. Tires are good...


Short and easy OAC-skinbased skis (forest skis)

Fascinate yourself in the Salpausselkä Geopark in winter with easy-to-use short forest skis!


TSL snow shoe rental

Fascinate yourself in the Salpausselkä Geopark in winter with snow shoes!


Salpausselkä Trails

Lahdessa ja Hollolassa on jo yli 60km kilometriä merkittyjä maastoliikuntapolkuja. Maastoliikuntapolut ovat tarkoitettu kävelyyn, juoksuun maastopyöräilyyn sekä talvisin lumikenkäilyyn ja...

E-mtb junior with front suspension rental Lahti

Kid´s CUBE´s with front suspension and 2,4" wide tires are suitable from May to NowemberEcspecially for touring and are equiped with a 400w battery you can reach up to 80km without loading. Tires...


Sustainable Salpausselkä Geopark partner

Our company is located and our operations are focused on the Salpauselkä Geopark area.

Fun things to do for companies and associations!

Kitetirri Outdoors - We organize fun activities for companies and associations in southern Finland

Bike rental with service

Kitetirri Outdoors - bike rental with service

Flexible bike mantenance service

Our flexible bike maintenance services the most common bike brands. Book maintenance easily online!

Maastopyörän huoltoilta - perushuolto

Pyöränhuolto on aika helppoa, kun pitää pyörän kunnossa ja tunnistaa, mitä pitää seurata!Käydään leppoisasti läpi perusjuttuja renkaanvaihdosta ketjujen huoltoon ja perushommia, mitä voi retkellä...
